اكادمية هندس نظمت لمهندسيها رحلة عمل في مجموعة اعمار في دبي للقاد القيادات في مقر الشركه في دبي، و للاستفادة من خبراتهم القيادية، في ما يلي تلخيص بسيط لبعض المعلومات التي استفدت منهم منها

ابراهيم الهاشمي
- doing things differently 
- Procurement is not about the price, it is about the Quality
-eAuction: to find the best one for you and your budget.
- Be an intelligent customer when it comes to procurement, everyone can be customer, but you need to know learn the HOW and know
-Since he joined emaar he dont asks his employees for punching at check in and check out, to show them that he is confident in them, BUT he do monitor them
- Once a year take your employees on trip, to change the routine and bring everyone closer.


القياده تحدي، ان تكون راس الهرم و تتحمل الفريق كله، و يكون لك قوة في اتخاذ القرار، و يجب ان تؤدي العمل بأمانه و حرص


- be open minded
- be positive
- never carry the world "I" always "WE", even if you literally did it
- Leadership is about trust
-leadership is about getting things done
- keep the team motivated
- No shame if you shout at employee, even if they are close to you outside work
- the percentage of influence is 7% verbal and 93% non verbal


- 50 % of dissections are made by robots in SONY
- Leadership is not about telling people to work, it is about motivating
- A leader is not just to manage people, but to see the future
- it is not about how good the product is, it is about how ETHICAL you are
- Think: how the future will look like, and are you ready for the future 


the address downtown:

communication & decision making are the most 2 effective points in leadership

اعتمد على فريق العمل، و ثق بهم، و الثقه لا تاتي بيوم

وازن بين اداره من هم أعلى منك و من هم تحتك


Dubai mall عبدالله الواحدي

الاستمرارية في التعلم

شوف مكانك الحالي. ضع خطة. اتبع هدفك

الشجاعه انت تعترف بالخطا و تتحمل العواقب.
اذا يوم أخطأت و لم تعترف بالخطأ فانت لست بقائد بل مدير

الصبر الحزم الصدق


من زيارة لبرج خليفه

notification for job

map for technicians and job location

predicted maintenance

the system predict that it will fail in the next X hours, and give what the problem is, and what we should change/fix
this will reduce the number of visits to site from 4 to 1


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